The Evolution of the Tools of Cranberry Harvest and their Patents

VIS 2353 The Landscape We Eat
Research on the Social Anthropology of Cranberries

Nationally, cranberries are harvested from early September until early November. The exact harvest dates vary by region, weather conditions, and cultivar being harvested. In addition, some consideration must be given to whether the fruit will be sold in the fresh market, used in white juice products, or used for other processing. With the exception of white harvest, the fruit are harvested at full maturity with good color (anthocyanin content) but prior to the fruit becoming overripe. Timing of harvest is important for fresh-market fruit so that the berries are sufficiently red but retain good storage quality, while fruit for the processed market ideally has maximum color.

—Carolyn DeMoranville, Cranberry Production: A Guide for Massachusetts