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Hello! I am Adrian Wong, a designer and educator in architecture. Currently, I am at NADAAA. Recently, I have been adjunct faculty at Wentworth. My interests have previously led me to positions at OMA, Harvard GSD, P-A-T-T-E-R-N-S, and Groundwork.

I completed my studies at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design and the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc). At the GSD, I was editor at Open Letters and co-chair at Hong Kong GSD. While at SCI-Arc, I helped establish Underscore Journal and received an undergraduate thesis prize.


I occasionally produce graphics and web layouts.

CV available upon request.
美國哈佛大學設計學院建築系碩士。現任NADAAA設計師。溫特沃斯理工學院兼任教授 。 曾於南加州建築學院及加州大學洛杉磯分校任建築科目助教。 2017年於南加州建築學院獲得建築學士,並獲得南加州建築學院畢業設計獎。 黃俊穎曾工作於OMA, P-A-T-T-E-R-N-S 以及元新建城等不同規模及國籍的建築設計事務所。2016年,他於維也納應用藝術大學與妹島和世+西澤立衛/SANAA建築事務所交流的作品被展覽於威尼斯建築雙年展。

All work produced by author unless otherwise specified.
© 2012—2025 Adrian Wong